Thursday, July 12, 2018

Why I started my Blog

I wanted my first post to be spur of the moment so sorry if it seems a bit random lol

                Why did I do this? I’ve been going over that same question for myself for the past 2 days by now I’m sure. I don’t want to bore you – Whoever might be reading this with this right now – with an over embellishment of flowery verbiage and articulate imagery painted with well-constructed sentences. I kind of want to start this off by getting right to the point, I began this blog because I have nothing else. I don’t have anything at all in my life, in my soul. Yes I do have family and friends, I have a car and a job but I don’t have anything else that I am supposed to do, that I enjoy doing.
                I have always had a passion for writing, I have loved it since the day I was born I am sure. Since kindergarten I would write little stories, spending hours and hours on end in my own home and just making things up. I always told myself that this was what I was going to do with my life, this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life and I just needed to do it. I wrote all day, every day until I graduated highschool. In all reality everything before this is just what motivated me up to this point in my life, I don’t want to go into too much detail. Every little moment in my life told me that I was born to do this one thing, to be an author, to live my dream. But when I graduated highschool, that all powerful moment in everyone’s life when they become an adult struck me while my eyes were closed and knocked me down. You find out that life is hard, you become stifled because bills begin to pile up and debt gets hard. Of course, not everyone’s life is like this exactly but what I am trying to say is life can get hard. It causes you to forget your dream, to forget what you really wanted and cause you to want to lose yourself. For me I would write as a hobby but forgot that it was what I told myself I would always do with my life.
                I distracted myself moving like a toy wound up by the back and made to move along a predestined rut. I was unthinking and lifeless, simply moving through the motions of being a working man, I ended up working in a call center for 3 years and I am still working in that same industry to this day never once thinking too much of my dream, I even tried to be a dentist. But as my life became dull, and I became less happy, less driven to go to work every day, I started writing more, writing every day, all day and I remembered what it was. I remembered who I was. I remembered my dream and I guess in a way this is my way of actually seeing it through.
                I made this blog mainly because I want to get this passion out there, I want to let the world see that a dream is possible. I started my blog because I want to take action and I want to share it with everyone out there in life. I want those who feel as though their dreams are unattainable to know that that isn’t the case.
                I want to share a piece of a regular mans life with those people who need to know that ordinary people aren’t barred from doing extraordinary things. And I am not being dramatic, I just realized one day that this thing, this reality that we live in is not pitted against us, no it is not a wall that is pushing us away, rather its just a road that is filled with glass and spikes and thick sand and it is really difficult to trek, but that does not mean it is impossible.
                Yes it will be hard and the road will not always be fun but, as long as your and my soul are strong and the heart is willing and determined it is possible. Maybe not today or tomorrow but eventually we can get there.
                This is my opinion on impossible and possible. This is just me; a regular guy tackling my dream, I need your help and in turn I hope that anything I write can help you, motivate you. I will try to post something at least twice a week if not more. If you are the type to pray please pray for me all those who are having trouble reaching their dreams and if you want I will pray for you, hopefully my research and my story and anything I share speaks to you.

I’ll see you later
With love and a smile.  

J. Kossette

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